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Humanistic Astrology

Astrology allows for a greater understanding of one's life, of its ups and downs, its crises and challenges, as well as of its periods of great change and transformation.  Humanistic Astrology is a powerful tool of deep self knowledge. Its aim is not to  'predict the future', but to observe what is there to be recognized.  It stems from the idea that everything in us is worthy of acceptance.  From this awareness, begins a learning process and profound transformation that will guide us towards authenticity.



Personal Reading












Natal Chart 


The Birth Chart is the image of the sky at the time of your birth. To draw it, one needs the date, time and place of one's birth. It is a seed that has the potential to unfold. On the basis of this map, we can analyze the talents and challenges of your personality structure, your ways of relating, your fears and opportunites for transformation. The reading is a global therapeutic overview of your being that can help you get to know yourself better, as well as heal parts of your history and many psychosomatic imbalances.





Solar Revolution


It shows the information about your current moment in life and represents an annual cycle that is renewed on your birthday. The reading seeks to strengthen your ability to perceive what happens to you. It is a tool to channel your development, observe the process and understand the creative potential that each moment brings along.




Carta del zodiaco

What you deny, you submit,

and what you accept, transforms you.


-C. G. Jung-

Relationship Reading




A synastry reading is the art of understanding the mystery of magnetism in our connections to others. By comparing two natal charts it is possible to understand our relationship dynamic and realize that in a challenging relationship there is a treasure for learning who we really are. 



Composite Chart


When two natal charts, two energies, are mixed, they generate a new energy. A composite chart combines information to create a new astrological chart. This new chart reveals the atmosphere that is generated: what flavor and melody is born when you relate to another person, a place, a job, etc. This data and awareness is deeply revealing in order to learn what is truly enriching for you and what is not.




Laura Ruffini 



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