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Naturopathy and Nutrition

Naturopathy is a form of alternative medicine that focuses on the promotion of self healing.  In order to achieve this, it uses the same resources that give us life and mantain it: diet and dietary supplements, water (hydrotherapy), exercise, medicinal plants (herbalism) and contact with nature.


Through the use of natural treatments, Naturopathy helps the body set its own cleaning, repair and regeneration mechanism in motion. It is both curative and preventive because in addition to suggesting the appropriate changes to treat illness, it promotes healthy habits.


             @luizalacava uí

If the diet is wrong,

medications do not work;

if the diet is correct,

medications are not necessary.


-Ayurveda Proverb-


The sessions provide general information regarding the causes of the imbalance and guidelines as how to lead a healthy lifestyle according to each person´s typology and constitution.  


According to specific techniques and criteria, the treatments consist of several remedies. Some of them may be internal (broths, infusions and special culinary preparations) and others external (poultices, baths, moxibustion and other remedies). In the event of acute or chronic discomfort or disease, it may be advisable to unblock the body with purging and stimulate one´s own self-regulation. This can be done using natural supplements which help restore balance and re-establish health. 


Naturopathy includes:

  • Nutritional therapy

  • Herbalism and natural supplementation 

  • Bach flowers therapy

  • Aromatherapy

  • Catalytic oligotheraphy 

  • Foot reflexology

  • Iridiology

  • Ear acupuncture and other energy therapies 

Nutritional Therapy

II use nutritional therapy in all my consultations. Connecting with nutrition is critical and reflects on what we crave and how we feel when we eat. Looking at the diet and digestion is an important approach as it is a form of medicine that we can practise at home and can be the fundamental step towards health in our lives. 

Common imbalances treated with nutritional therapy:

  • anxiety / depression / stress

  • inflammation / allergies

  • autoimmune diseases

  • fertility problems

  • weight loss

  • hormonal imbalance

  • low energy

  • sleep problems

  • pain management

  • digestive disorders

  • skin conditions / hair loss

  • general health and well-being



Laura Ruffini 



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