Women's Health
It is fascinating being in tune with the changes taking place inside us as well as working in harmony with the rhythms of our bodies.
The female body reflects
Nature and Earth.
-Christiane Northrup-
Energy medicine offers us the tools to treat:
Menstrual cycle "moon time": preparation for menarche.
Menstrual disorders "heavenly water": irregular periods, heavy/scanty/long periods, painful periods, pre-menstrual syndrome, etc.
Endocrine system pathologies: infertility, cystitis, endometriosis, myoma, PCOS, etc.
Menopause"second spring": headaches, anxiety, depression, hot flushes, night sweating, etc.
Using TCM wisdom I treat all the gynecological stages and analyze imbalances that may lead to emotional instability.
Pregnancy, Birth, Postpartum and Breastfeeding
Pregnancy "ripening the fruit"
Dizziness, nausea, food aversion, cravings, intense hunger, heartburn, belching, excessive salivation, metallic taste, olfactory disorders, back pain and sciatica, carpal tunnel, anxiety, anemia, constipation, hemorrhoids, insomnia, headaches, fatigue, varicose veins, cramps, edema, drops of the immune system, abnormal fetal position, among others.
What a woman eats during pregnancy not only affects her own health but also her baby's. Conscious nutrition usually increases the chances of having a healthy and safe pregnancy. What is even more relevant is that it can have a significant effect on the baby's health for its entire lifetime.
Although acupuncture is not commonly used to relieve the pain of childbirth in China, it has been used in Europe since
the 1970s. Acupuncture can help in various ways during childbirth:
Increasing or preserving the mother's energy (as a general tonic)
Keeping calm and relaxed
Reducing stress levels
Increasing the strength of contractions in order to avoid prolonged labour
Helping to control pain (analgesia)
Reducing the risk of interventions (forceps, C-section, epidural anesthesia, synthetic oxytocin, tears, retained placenta, hemorrhage).
As mentioned above, acupuncture is useful in helping women undergoing induction. In addition, the support provided by the therapist during treatment is vital to boost the mother's confidence and reduce the anxiety and tension associated with pain.
Postpartum "the golden month"
Postnatal nutrition, postpartum depression, postnatal exhaustion, pain, constipation, hemorrhoids, urinary problems, persistent lochial discharge, sweating and fever.
Low milk production, nipple pain and mastitis.